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Prorocentrum micans

Prorocentrum micans

without rank: Dinoflagellates (Dinoflagellata)
without rank: Dinophyceae
without rank: Peridiniphycidae
without rank: Prorocentrales
Family : Prorocentraceae
Genre : Prorocentrum
Scientific name
CG Ehrenberg , 1834

Prorocentrum is a genus of dinoflagellates . The species are phototrophic .


The longitudinal furrow (sulcus) typical of many dinoflagellates and the transverse furrow, the cingulum, are absent in Prorocentrum . The two flagella sit at the front of the cell. The theka consists of two large plates called valves. There are also several small plates at the apex, the front end of the cell. There is usually a strong thorn here. Species in which the thorn is not present were previously assigned to the genus Exuviaella . The theca also has some small thorns in some species. There are also pores on the counter.


There are benthic species, i.e. species that live on the ground, others are pelagic (floating freely in the water). Some species feed on other dinoflagellates . Some types of the Prorocentrum produce toxins . One example is the type Prorocentrum minimum , where so-called TTX-like compounds were found. This species is also responsible for algal blooms , so-called red tides , the water is then colored red. The species Prorocentrum micans can also cause red tides . However, it is not yet clear whether this species is also toxic. Some species are capable of bioluminescence ( sea ​​lights ).


The genus Prorocentrum belongs to the family Prorocentraceae . A selection of the types follows:

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b German hydrographic journal: German journal of hydrography. Supplement, Volumes 5-6
  2. ^ Karl G. Grell: Protozoology . 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1968
  3. D. Grzebyk, A. Denardou, B. Berland and YFPouchus: Evidence of a new toxin in the red-tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Journal of Plankton Research . Volume 19, Number 8, Pages 1111-1124, 1997. Link
  4. a b Inés Rodríguez, Amparo Alfonso, Eva Alonso, Juan A. Rubiolo, María Roel, Aristidis Vlamis, Panagiota Katikou, Stephen A. Jackson, Margassery Lekha Menon, Alan Dobson & Luis M. Botana: The association of bacterial C9-based TTX-like compounds with Prorocentrum minimum opens new uncertainties about shellfish seafood safety Scientific Reports Volume 7, Article number: 40880 (2017). link
  5. a b Freudig, Doris (Red.): Lexicon of Biology . 2004, ISBN 3-8274-0341-3
  6. Algaebase
  7. WoRMS

Used literature

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