Protein-lipid interaction

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Interactions of lipids with peripheral membrane proteins
Interactions of lipids with transmembrane proteins

Protein-lipid interactions (also protein-lipid interactions ) are bonds between lipids and proteins , analogous to protein-protein interactions , protein-RNA interactions and protein-DNA interactions .


Protein-lipid interactions are e.g. B. with proteins of lipid metabolism , with peripheral membrane proteins the binding to or with transmembrane proteins the storage in a biomembrane . In the case of cell-penetrating peptides , the mechanism of penetration of biomembranes is partly unknown.

Methods for studying protein-lipid interactions are e.g. B. ESR spectroscopy , dual polarization interferometry, fluorescence microscopy with fluorescence- labeled lipids or proteins or with lipid dyes such as laurdan or filipin . The binding of proteins has little effect on the arrangement of lipids in a biomembrane. The proteins myelin basic protein , spectrin and prions , like matrix proteins of enveloped viruses, can bind directly to lipids, while most peripheral membrane proteins are connected to the membrane via a post-translational modification with a lipid or via binding to transmembrane proteins.


Individual evidence

  1. J. Storch, L. McDermott: Structural and functional analysis of fatty acid-binding proteins. In: Journal of lipid research. Volume 50 Suppl, April 2009, pp. S126-S131, doi : 10.1194 / jlr.R800084-JLR200 . PMID 19017610 . PMC 2674722 (free full text).
  2. a b R. C. YashRoy: Protein heat denaturation and study of membrane lipid-protein interactions by spin label ESR. In: Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods. Volume 22, Number 1, January 1991, pp. 55-59, PMID 1848569 .
  3. A. Mashaghi, M. Swann, J. Popplewell, M. Textor, E. Reimhult: Optical anisotropy of supported lipid structures probed by waveguide spectroscopy and its application to study of supported lipid bilayer formation kinetics. In: Analytical chemistry. Volume 80, Number 10, May 2008, pp. 3666-3676, doi : 10.1021 / ac800027s , PMID 18422336 .
  4. N. Sanghera, MJ Swann, G. Ronan, TJ Pinheiro: Insight into early events in the aggregation of the prion protein on lipid membranes. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta . Volume 1788, number 10, October 2009, pp. 2245-2251, doi : 10.1016 / j.bbamem.2009.08.005 , PMID 19703409 .