Protopine alkaloids

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Hollow Larkspur ( Corydalis cava )
Hollow Larkspur ( Corydalis cava )

Protopin alkaloids are natural substances with a structural similarity to the berbin .


The Protopin alkaloids come among others. a. in the plant families of the barberry family , the smoky family , the poppy family , especially in the hollow lark spur ( Corydalis cava ).


The structure of the Protopin alkaloids is characterized by an N -methyl tetrahydroprotoberberin structure. The quinolizine system is abandoned and a 14- oxo group is present.


These alkaloids are named after Protopin . The group of protopin alkaloids includes Allocryptopin , Cryptopin , Muramin . Further representatives are (+) - corycavamin and (+) - corycavidin .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d E. Breitmaier: Alkaloids . Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 1997, ISBN 978-3-519-03542-8 , pp. 67 .
  2. M. Hesse: Alkaloids . Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2000, ISBN 3-906390-19-5 , pp. 49 .
  3. a b c Entry on Protopin Alkaloids. In: Römpp Online . Georg Thieme Verlag, accessed on April 10, 2020.