Parrot jaws

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Parrot jaws
Parrot's mouth (Psarisomus dalhousiae)

Parrot's mouth ( Psarisomus dalhousiae )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Partial order : Screaming birds of the old world (Eurylaimides)
Family : Broad throat (Eurylaimidae)
Genre : Psarisomus
Type : Parrot jaws
Scientific name of the  genus
Swainson , 1837
Scientific name of the  species
Psarisomus dalhousiae
( Jameson , 1835)

The parrot's jaws ( Psarisomus dalhousiae ) is an Asiatic passerine bird.


The 28 cm long parrot jaw weighs 50-60 g. It is a small, stocky-looking bird with a long tail, a large head, and a short, broad beak and short legs. The predominantly green plumage has a black hood, a yellow-green face, a yellow throat and a white collar. The tail is colored blue.


The distribution area of ​​the parrot broad-wake stretches from the eastern Himalayas across Southeast Asia to Borneo and Sumatra . It lives in mountain rainforests, subtropical forests, in bamboo thickets, but also in secondary forests.

According to the IUCN, the parrot's mouth is common and not endangered.


The broad-mouthed parrot is a sociable bird that wanders through the forests in small flocks outside of the breeding season. It feeds on insects, which it catches either in flight or in the branches of trees.


Five to six eggs are laid in a large, pear-shaped nest made of twigs and grasses and hanging from a branch, with a covered entrance on the side. Both parent birds take part in building the nest and rearing the young.


  • Colin Harrison, Alan Greensmith: Birds. Dorling Kindersley Limited, London 1993/2000, ISBN 3-8310-0785-3 .
  • Bryan Richard: Birds over 400 species from around the world. Parragon, Bath 2006, ISBN 1-40545-506-3 .

Web links

Commons : Parrot's mouth ( Psarisomus dalhousiae )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files