public safety

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According to the generally accepted definition, public security includes the integrity of the objective legal order . This also includes the subjective rights enshrined in it , the individual legal interests (such as life, health, freedom or property) and the state itself and the functionality of its institutions.

Legal situation in Germany

Public safety stands next to public order and is usually part of the common concept of danger (“disruption or specific danger to public safety or order”). Both legal terms were derived from Paragraph 10 II 17 ALR by the Prussian Higher Administrative Court . Groundbreaking for this was the decision of the Prussian Higher Administrative Court of Kreuzberg in 1882. In 1931, towards the end of the Weimar Republic , the paragraph was replaced by the general police clause in Section 14 of the Prussian Police Administration Act.

This vague legal term is nowadays regularly used in the police laws of the federal states in Germany alongside public order.


The term public security , taken from American-English, is often used in connection with the harmonization (standardization) of information technologies , networks and infrastructures of the participating institutions and organizations. This term is clearly delimited from homeland security in the USA, which also includes military components.

See also


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