Puka Temu

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Puka Temu

Puka Temu is a Papua New Guinean politician . From 2007 to 2010 he was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Land and Regional Planning and Mining in the government of Prime Minister Michael Somare . Temu is a member of the National Alliance Party . In July 2010, he headed an initiative to overthrow Somare through a motion of censure . When the attempt failed, Don Polye was appointed deputy prime minister and Temu took over the leadership of the opposition.

On August 8, 2011, Puka Temu became Minister of Agriculture and Community Development in the government of Peter O'Neill .

Individual evidence

  1. a b "Temu Is PNG's New Deputy Prime Minister" , Pacific Magazine , August 30th 2007
  2. ^ "Presentation de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée: Composition du government" , Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France
  3. "Somare jets off after cementing rule" , The Australian , July 23, 2010