Point test

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In the point sample , a computational decision is made as to whether a point lies in a given point set , i.e. whether there is an incidence . Different point sets are possible:

There is a point


A point test is performed by plugging the coordinates of the point into the equation of the point set. If the point satisfies the equation, i. H. if a true statement arises, the point lies in the point set. If a wrong statement arises, the point is not in the point set.

Thus it is possible to check at the end of an invoice whether z. B. a calculated intersection of two straight lines actually lies on both straight lines.


Linear function

Does the point lie on the straight line with the function  equation?

The x-coordinate of the point P is used for and the y-coordinate of the point is used. . This is not a true statement, so point P is not on the graph.

Line equation in parametric form

Does the point lie on the straight line h with the parametric equation  ?

The position vector of point Q is used for the vector and resolved line by line for the parameter . Since this results in the first line but also delivers the second line , there is a contradiction . Thus the point Q does not lie on the straight line h, short .

Plane equation in coordinate form

Is the point on the plane with the coordinate equation  ?

For , and insert the coordinates of the point R. . This is a true statement, so the point R is on the plane, in short .

Other uses

The point sample can also be used to determine a straight line equation g if a point P of the straight line and its slope are known.


The y-axis intercept is now determined by performing the "point test" for point P and resolving for. This is an alternative to the point slope form .

The point probe, can thus three points of are given, for the determination of a quadratic equation, and a function f terms are used, having a parabola as a graph. The general quadratic function is:

Now the point test is carried out for each of the points P1, P2, P3 and a linear system of equations with the unknowns a, b, c is obtained. After solving the problem, the functional term of the function f is obtained, which turns into a true statement for the coordinates of P1, P2, P3.