Pythagoras (sculptor from Samos)

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Pythagoras ( Greek  Πυθαγόρας ) was an ancient Greek sculptor and painter from Samos , who probably lived in the 5th century BC. Worked. Pliny and Diogenes Laertios explicitly differentiated him from Pythagoras from Rhegion .

He initially received his training as a painter, but then turned to sculpture. He created seven statues of the naked and the statue of an old man, which were placed at the temple of Fortuna Huiusce Diei in Rome in Roman times . Pausanias mentions the statue of Euthymus of Lokroi in the Zeus sanctuary at Olympia , winner of the Olympic Games in 484, 476 and 472 BC. BC, as the work of a Pythagoras without mentioning its origin. The base of this statue found in Olympia identifies him as a Samian.

His work is lost, no idea of ​​his style can be gained.


  1. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 60.
  2. Diogenes Laertios 8:47.
  3. ^ Jerome Jordan Pollitt: The Art of Ancient Greece: Sources and Documents. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990, pp. 43-46 considers both to be identical.
  4. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 60.
  5. ^ Pausanias 6: 6, 6.
  6. ^ Wilhelm Dittenberger , Karl Purgold : Olympia: the results of the excavation organized by the German Empire. Volume 5: The inscriptions from Olympia. Berlin 1896, No. 144 ( online ).
