Pythodorus of Tralleis

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Pythodoros von Tralleis (Greek Πυθόδωρος, * approx. 70 BC , † approx. 30 BC ) was a Greek politician from Asia Minor in the 1st century BC. Chr.

Live and act

Pythodoros was born in Nysa in Lydien (today Aydın Siradağları), but lived and worked mainly in the important trading town of Tralleis (today ruins north of Aydın ).

As the son of Chairemon and grandson of Pythodorus, a wealthy landowner, he was a member of the consilium of Praetor C. Cassius, whose army he supported with provisions.

When the 1st Mithradatic War broke out, Pythodoros fled to Rhodes with his father and brother Pythion , because King Mithradates VI. had offered a reward of 40 and 20 talents for their capture or killing .

After the Mithradatic War he lived in Tralleis and became Asiarch . His fortune is said to have been an incredible 2,000 talents.

As a friend of Pompey Magnus , he lost his fortune under Caesar , but was able to buy it back and leave it to his children. Pythodoros probably married 36 BC. BC Antonia , a daughter of the triumvir Marcus Antonius , with whom he had a daughter Pythodoris , who later became Queen of Pontus and Cappadocia by marriage .

He probably died after 28 BC. Chr.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michael Rostovtzeff: Social and economic history of the Hellenistic world. Darmstadt 1998, p. 647
  2. a b c d e f Michael Rostovtzeff: Social and economic history of the Hellenistic world. Darmstadt 1998, p. 646
  3. a b c d e Little Pauly . Volume 4, Munich 1979, Sp. 1279
  4. ^ David Magie : Roman Rule in Asia Minor, Volume 2 (Notes): To the End of the Third Century After Christ . Princeton University Press, 2017, ISBN 978-1-4008-8774-3 ( [accessed March 31, 2019]).