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Empress Quan (全 皇后), birth name probably Quan Huijie (全 惠 解), was an empress of the Wu Dynasty at the time of the three kingdoms . Her husband, Sun Liang, was the second emperor of Wu.

Her father Quan Shang (全 尚) was the nephew of the high official Quan Cong (全 琮), who married Sun Dahu (孫大虎), a daughter of the first Wu emperor Sun Quan . In her youth she visited Princess Dahu frequently and enjoyed her sympathy. Princess Dahu arranged for her to be married to Sun Quan's youngest son, Sun Liang. She was later able to convince Sun Quan to make Sun Liang crown prince, making Ms. Quan crown princess. A short time after Sun Liang succeeded his father as emperor in 252, he made her empress.

In 258, when Sun Liang grew angry at the imperial and imperious behavior of the regent Sun Lin , he conspired with Princess Dahu, Quan Shang and Quan Ji (全 紀), the brother of the Empress, to overthrow Sun Lin. But Quan Shanghai's wife was Sun Lin's cousin and told him everything. When Sun Lin surrounded the palace with troops and pressured Sun Liang, Quan Ji committed suicide. Sun Lin deposed Sun Liang and made him Prince of Kuaiji . Empress Quan received the same title. Her father Quan Shang was banished and murdered in exile while her family was sent to Lingling (零陵, in what is now Yongzhou , Henan ). In 260 the new emperor Sun Xiu Sun Liang demoted to Marquis of Houguan (候 官, in what is now Fuzhou , Fujian ), and Sun Liang died on the way there. The previous Empress Quan, now Marquise of Houguan, settled in Houguan and died there between 301 and 303, long after the destruction of the Wu dynasty by the Jin dynasty .

predecessor Office successor
Pan Empress of the Wu Dynasty