Quintus Aiacius Modestus Crescentianus

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Quintus Aiacius Modestus Crescentianus was a Roman politician and senator in the early 3rd century AD.

Perhaps Modestus came from northern Italy or Africa . His career is difficult to reconstruct. Either between about 198 and 200 or between 202/203 and 204 Modestus was a legate of the province of Arabia . During his governorship he was designated consul; his suffect consulate must have been between 198 and 205. Before and after the middle of 209, Modestus was a legate of the Province of Germania superior . In 228 he held his second consulate . Modestus was probably the proconsul of the province of Asia during the reign of Severus Alexander .

In 204 he was a member of the Quindecimviri sacris faciundis priestly college and was involved in organizing the secular games . His wife Danacia Quartilla Aureliana and his sons Quintus Aiacius Censorinus Celsinus Arabianus and Lucius Aiacius Modestus Aurelianus Priscus Agricola Salvianus accompanied him to Arabia.

