Quintus Fabius Catullinus

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Quintus Fabius Catullinus was a Roman politician living in the 2nd century AD .

By military diplomas is evidence that Catullinus until February or March 129 governor of the province from October 127 Africa was. He was then full consul with Marcus Flavius ​​Aper . In addition, he is listed in several inscriptions found in Lambaesis .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas of the years 127 ( ZPE-177-263 ), 128/129 ( RMD 5, 373 ) and 129 ( ZPE-190-297 ).
  2. Werner Eck : New testimonials to two well-known imperial civil rights constitutions In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE), Volume 177 (2011), pp. 263-271, here p. 264 ( online ).
  3. a b Florian Matei-Popescu: Two military diplomas from Hadrian times In: ZPE, Volume 190 (2014), pp. 297-304, here p. 298 ( online ).
  4. Paul Holder : Roman Military Diplomas V (= Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 88), Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2006, p. 775, no. 373, note 5.
  5. Inscriptions ( CIL 8, 2532 , CIL 8, 2533 , CIL 8, 2609 , CIL 8, 2610 ).