Quintus Nonienus Pudens

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Quintus Nonienus Pudens was a Roman Toreut who was active in the 1st century.

He is known from a signature on a sword scabbard , which was found in 1904 during excavations of the vicus of Argentoratum in what is now Strasbourg 's Koenigshoffen district . The inscription on the scabbard reads “Q (uintus) Nonienus Pudes ad Ara f (ecit)”. The indication of the place of manufacture "ad Ara" is uncertain. It is related either to the Roman sanctuary Ara Ubiorum in the Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium , today's Cologne , or to the sanctuary Ara trium Galliarum near Lugdumum, today's Lyon .

The scabbard is kept in the Musée archéologique de Strasbourg . Its main surface shows a bundle of lightning , the main attribute of the Roman god Iuppiter .



  1. Inventory number 18625A / B .