Quintus Pompeius Senecio Sosius Priscus

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Quintus Pompeius Senecio Sos ( s ) ius Priscus was a 2nd century Roman politician and senator .

His full name was Quintus Pompeius Senecio Roscius Murena Coelius Sextus Iulius Frontinus Silius Decianus Gaius Iulius Eurycles Herculaneus Lucius Vibullius Pius Augustanus Alpinus Bellicius Sollers Iulius Aper Ducenius Proculus Rutilianus Rufinus Silius Valens Fiscusus Sos Claudius Rufinus Valerius . He was a son of the consul of 149, Quintus Pompeius Sosius Priscus .

Before his praetoric career, Sosius Priscus praefectus feriarum Latinarum , triumvir monetalis , quaestor as candidate of the emperor (162?), Legate probably under his father, the proconsul of the province of Asia (163/164?), And praetor (167?).

In 169 Sosius Priscus became ordinary consul, then praefectus alimentorum and, by lot, proconsul of Asia. Sosius Priscus was also pontiff . He was married to Ceionia Fabia. Quintus Pompeius Sosius Falco , consul in 193, was his son.



  1. CIL 14, 3609 .
  2. Supervisor of the observance of the holidays adopted by the Latins.