Quintus Servilius Fidenas (consular tribune 382 BC)

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Quintus Servilius Fidenas was in the first half of the 4th century BC. A leading politician of the Roman Republic .

He came from the noble family of the Servilians and, according to the historians Diodor and Titus Livius , who always cite him without his nickname Fidenas , was consular tribune three times, namely in the years 382, ​​378 and 369 BC. Chr.



  1. Livy 6:22 , 1; Diodorus 15, 41, 1.
  2. Livy 6, 31, 1 and 6, 31, 5; Diodorus 15, 57, 1.
  3. Livy 6:36 , 6; Diodorus 15, 77, 1.