Roman brewery (Bergheim)

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Former Roman brewery

The Römerbrauerei was a brewery in the district town of Bergheim in the Rhein-Erft district .

The brewery was founded in 1755. The Roleff brothers ran the company from the middle of the 19th century. From 1868 to 1876 Johann Roleff was the sole owner.


"Stay true to your homeland - drink a Roman brew". This was the advertising slogan of the brewery located here in the Bergheim district's address book from 1911. In 1907 Josef Roleff took over this brewery. It was through him that it was given the name “Roman Brewery”. The so-called Römer-Kölsch and Römer-Alt were brewed. Up until 1980, 14 workers and 2 employees produced 30,000 hectoliters of beer a year. In the mid-80s, the Römerbrauerei was taken over by the Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei . After a few years, operations in Thorr were closed. The internationally known artist Magdalena Jetelová bought the brewery building and set up her studio and apartment here.


The two-storey half-timbered house was built shortly after 1800. The exposed gable has a pre-blinded plastered brick masonry. The former two-axis commercial side of the facade now has two windows on the ground floor instead of the former rectangular passage. This half-timbered house was once part of the Thorrer brewery. At the beginning of the 20th century, the restaurant "Zum Engel" was housed here. The present brewhouse, which is part of the brewery, was built shortly after 1889. Further extensions and extensions took place in the following decades.


The listed building at Römerstraße 68 is located in Thorr , one of the 15 districts of the district town of Bergheim. The building is registered with monument number 46 in the list of architectural monuments in Thorr . The description text is:

Brewery plant consisting of brewhouse, boiler house, toilet house, rear storage building and side farm building. The Roman brewery documents the economic and technical conditions of this period. The brick brewery building has a sophisticated architectural design for an industrial building from the late 19th century. The arched windows with cast-iron bars are partially combined in pairs. The front is emphasized by the brick panels that span the windows. The visible sides of the industrial plant are structured by using lighter brick material.
