Magdalena Jetelová

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Rock Fountain in Munich (1992)
Sculpture which came first? (2007) near Bad Berleburg

Magdalena Jetelová (born June 4, 1946 in Semily ) is a Czech sculptor and photographer who mainly lives and works in Germany.


From 1964 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague , from 1967 to 1968 at the Accademia di Brera , Milan (with Marino Marini ) and finished her studies in Prague again in 1971.

In 1985 she received a grant from the City of Munich and moved to the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1987 she was represented at Documenta 8 . In 1988 her works were shown at the Vorsatz 2 , the second major exhibition of the gallery Vorsetzen , in the same year she took on a visiting professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich , followed by a professorship at the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts in Salzburg in 1989 . From 1990 to 2004 she was a professor at the State Art Academy in Düsseldorf . In 1992 she became a member of the Berlin Academy of the Arts , and in 1994 she became a consultant to the Prague Castle Council . From 2004 to 2012 she was professor of sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.


Magdalena Jetelová became famous for her large wooden sculptures of tables, chairs and stairs that she made from oak logs. New works are also created from other materials, for example concrete. For photographs in the 1990s, she installed very strong light sources that generated a bundled beam of light in deserted landscapes. The ray of light cuts through nature or projects quotations into it. Outside of the light beam, the black and white photographs remain very dark, but still reveal details of the surroundings. The artist also makes works on paper.



Sculptures, works on paper and photographs by the artist are represented in many international museums, including


Web links

Commons : Magdalena Jetelová  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Photograph of a sculpture on the Kulturserver Graz