Rüpplin chaplaincy

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Rüpplin chaplaincy

The Rüpplinsche Kaplanei is a family foundation of the Rüpplin family. It is located in Frauenfeld TG at Zürcherstrasse 175.


The founder of the chaplaincy in 1580 was Joachim Joner, known as "Rüplin", a citizen of Frauenfeld and a Reichenau bailiff. The eldest son of the family had the right to appoint the priest for the chaplaincy. Should the Rüpplin family one day die out, the right to collature would pass to the Locher family. The Rüpplin chaplain was obliged to support the clergy in the parish, but was not subject to the parish.

Important owners of the benefices were:

  • Andreas Karl Theodor Keller von Frauenfeld (1804–1863, economist)
  • Pater Placidus Bumbacher (1801–1875, musician, organist, conductor)
  • Johannes Evangelist Hagen (1864–1955, editor of the Thurgauer Volkszeitung and the newspaper Der Wächter )

No clergy has lived in the Rüpplin chaplain since 1955. One of the last representatives of the Rüpplin family gave the Frauenfeld church leadership authority to administer it, but reserved the right to collature.

Today the Rüpplin Chaplaincy is still a foundation of its own legal nature, independent of the parish, but is looked after by the Catholic Church Council.


In 1984 the Catholic parish renovated the house of the Rüpplin chaplain. The apartment on the upper floor has been rented since then. The rooms on the ground floor are used by the parish.

Frauenfeld had to endure two devastating city fires in 1771 (eastern part of the city) and 1788 (western part of the city). A total of only six houses were spared. After the first city fire, so-called courtyards, or small courtyards, were left open between the individual houses . While these were gradually closed again over the years due to the limited space in the old town, they are the only ones to have survived at the Rüpplin chaplain.


  • Johannes Evangelist Hagen: The foundation of the von Rüpplin'schen charity in Frauenfeld. A contribution to its history and legal relationships. Publishing house Thurgauer Volkszeitung, Frauenfeld 1946.
  • Albert Knoepfli: The art monuments of the canton of Thurgau, Bd. 1, the district of Frauenfeld. Basel 1950. p. 118.
  • Anton Stadelmann: To reawaken the Rüpplin chaplain in Frauenfeld. In: Thurgauer Volkszeitung . October 24, 1986, supplement.
  • Angelus Hux : The Catholic parish of Frauenfeld - from the Middle Ages to the present. Frauenfeld 2004, p. 60.
  • Angelus Hux: Frauenfeld that's how it used to be. Bürgergemeinde Frauenfeld 2013, ISBN 978-3-0378-9006-6 , pp. 243-258

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Bürgergemeinde Frauenfeld, editor Bürgergemeinde Frauenfeld, p. 3
  2. Angelus Hux: Frauenfeld that's how it used to be.

Coordinates: 47 ° 33 '24 "  N , 8 ° 53' 51"  E ; CH1903:  seven hundred and nine thousand eight hundred  /  two hundred sixty-eight thousand three hundred and forty-eight