Raúl Hugo Espoile

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Raúl Hugo Espoile (born January 25, 1889 in Mercedes , † April 13, 1958 in Buenos Aires ) was an Argentine composer.

Espoile was a student of Edmundo Pallemaerts and studied with Vincent d'Indy at the Schola Cantorum in Paris . From 1925 to 1943 he was Inspector General for Music at the Ministry of Education of Argentina. He was also a member of the board of directors of the Teatro Colón and vice director of the Buenos Aires Conservatory from 1938 to 1941 . He composed two operas ( Frenos and La Ciudad Roja ), a symphonic poem ( Kuntur ), a symphonic suite ( En La Paz de las Compos ), a sextet for winds and piano, piano pieces, choirs and songs .