Ra tradition

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
རྭ་ ལུགས
Wylie transliteration :
rwa lugs
Chinese name
Simplified :
热 派
Pinyin :

The Ra tradition ( rwa lugs ) is a mantrayana school tradition of Tibetan Buddhism that originates from Dorje Drag, the translator (Lotsawa) from Ra ( rwa lo tsā ba rdo rje grags ; 1016-1128 (?)) .

Ra Lotsawa was a famous translator of the Later Propagation Period , whose name is particularly associated with Vajrabhairava . The translator Ra Chörab ( rwa chos rab ) was his nephew.

Together with the Dro tradition ('bro lugs) it forms one of the two Kalachakra lines of transmission that still exist today .

The tradition was described by Butön (bu ston; 1290-1364), Khedrub Je (mkhas grub rje; 1385-1438) and also Gö Shönnu Pel ('gos gzon nu dpal; 1392-1481).

See also


Web links

References and footnotes

  1. Chinese Repai 热 派
  2. Chinese Re Qurao 热 • 曲 饶
  3. Chinese Zhuopai 卓 派
  4. see also Dro Sherab Drag ('bro shes rab grags; Chinese Zhuo Xirao Zha 卓 • 喜 饶 扎 or Zhuo Yishi Xirao Zha 卓 译 师 喜 饶 扎 and others); see. Jamgon Kongtrul : The Treasury of Knowledge: Book Eight, Part Four: Esoteric Instructions ( online excerpt )
  5. "The Dro tradition along with the lineal descent from Rwa Lotsawa known as the 'Rwa tradition' (rwa lugs) constitute the two major existing Kālacakra transmission up to the present." Quote from: Edward A. Arnold: Essays on the Kalacakra Tantra in Honor of HH the Dalai Lama. 2009, p. 220 ( online )
  6. cf. annals chapter 10.html thlib.org: Summary of The Blue Annals Chapter 10: The Wheel of Time Tantra (Skt. Kālacakra) (Zachary Rowinski)
Ra tradition (alternative names of the lemma)
rwa lugs; raluk; Ra Luk; rva lugs; Ra tradition; Ra tradition; Rwa tradition: Rwa tradition; Ra tradition of Vajrabhairava; Ra lug; Chinese repai 热 派