Rab Sheshet

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Rab Sheschet (Hebrew: רב ששת) was a 3rd generation Amora in Babylonia.

He was a student of Samuel , therefore initially in Nehardea , then in Mahuza , later as a teacher in Shilhi, where he had founded his own academy.

He was weak in physical strength and almost blind, but had an iron energy. Later, after his complete blindness, he had all the texts of interest read to him and his impressive memory made him stand out, so that he mastered the traditional material almost completely by heart ( Erubin 67 a, Schebuot 41 b).

He was on good terms with Chisda , they both respected each other to a high degree and went on hikes together.


  • W. Bacher : The Agada of the Babylonian Amorae . Hildesheim 1965, pp. 76-79
  • J. Neusner : A History of the Jews in Babylonia . 5 volumes, Leiden 1965–1970 (volumes 3 and 4)