Rainer Schwartz (Major General)

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Rainer Schwartz (born October 11, 1915 - October 25, 1995 ) was a major general in the Army of the German Armed Forces .

Schwartz served in the Wehrmacht , completed his general staff training and was most recently a major .

From January 15, 1966 to September 30, 1967 he was in command of the 30th Panzer Brigade .

From April 1 to December 31, 1971, he commanded the 1st Mountain Division of the Bundeswehr . He then retired.

Web links

  • Life data in: Clemens Range: The Tolerated Army - 50 Years of the Bundeswehr, 2005.
  • Personnel changes in: Wehrkunde - Organ of the Society for Wehrkunde, Volume 21, 1972.