Rajesh Pandav

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Rajeh Pandav (2019)

Rajesh Pandav is an Indian medical doctor and employee at the World Health Organization (WHO).

Live and act

Pandav received his MBBS degree from Grant Medical College in Mumbai, India and his Masters in Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh in the United States . He was a medical assistant and project coordinator for the Indian-American Cross National Dementia Epidemiology Study in New Delhi and research officer and field coordinator for the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Diseases . Eventually, Pandav became a Senior Research Associate at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the United States.

Pandav joined WHO SEARO's Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department in 2004. He then took on various functions. Among other things, he was a temporary international specialist in planning and program management (2007–2008) and Medical Officer (Public Health) (2009–2011) in the WHO country office for the Maldives . In 2011 he became a health policy advisor in the WHO country office for East Timor and in April 2015 he became the official WHO representative in the country.


Pandav has co-authored several scientific publications.

Web links

Commons : Rajesh Pandav  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d WHO: WHO Representative to Timor-Leste , accessed on March 23, 2020.