University of Pittsburgh

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The University of Pittsburgh (also called Pitt ) is a university in Pittsburgh in the US state of Pennsylvania . The university is a member of the Association of American Universities , an association of leading research-intensive North American universities that has existed since 1900.

The university has around 12,000 employees, including 3,800 full-time teachers who teach around 34,000 students.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) performs more organ transplants than any other institution. Stem cell research is also remarkable .

The main building is the 163 m high Cathedral of Learning .


Originally founded as the Pittsburgh Academy by Hugh Henry Brackenridge in 1787 , it was renamed The Western University of Pennsylvania in 1819 and its current name in 1908.


German nationalities room in the Cathedral of Learning

The Pitt football team are the Panthers . The university has been a member of the Atlantic Coast Conference since 2013 .

Famous Graduates

International cooperation

There is a partnership with the University of Augsburg .

Web links

Commons : University of Pittsburgh  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. About Pitt

Coordinates: 40 ° 26 ′ 40.4 "  N , 79 ° 57 ′ 11.8"  W.