Rama dama

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With Rama dama or Ramadama ( German  "We do clearing!" ) One describes an organized clean-up action in Bavarian , in which garbage is collected for professional disposal in public spaces (both in nature and in residential areas) with the voluntary participation of the population becomes. The organization is taken over by municipalities, schools, associations or citizens' initiatives.


"Rama dama" in East Timor

For the first time, Thomas Wimmer , the then mayor of Munich, called on October 29, 1949 for a common “Rama dama”. This was still about the removal of the war damage and rubble heaps in the city. More than 7,500 volunteers responded to the call. Wimmer also worked with a shovel. In total, more than 15,000 cubic meters of rubble were collected on the day. The term remained as a term for the joint, voluntary tidying up.

Similar campaigns to collect rubbish by volunteers are also taking place outside of Bavaria.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Munich waste management company: Ramadama - Tidying up for Munich , accessed on February 18, 2018.
  2. Kerstin Lottritz: 60 years ago: The first "Rama Dama" , November 4, 2009 , accessed on February 17, 2018.