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Remmidemmi ( das , neuter Sing. , Other spellings: Remmi-Demmi , Remi-Demi ) is a colloquial German word and means "chaos, mass events, noise, hustle and bustle, dispute, swaying struggle". Ramba Zamba has a similar meaning .


The word is believed to have originated before or in the 20th century. Its etymology is not clear. Presumably, it is a further development of the onomatopoeic name Rammerdammer for Steinmetz and paving workers . The further development to Remmidemmi then probably took place under the influence of the verb rementen, ramenten, ramentern, which was widespread in northern Germany , for "spread unrest , noise , rage".

The Austrian - Bavarian remisuri, sliver sliver, ramasuri “exuberance of the children when their parents are absent”, “confusion, annoying incidents, haste, hustle and bustle”, which has been documented since the 18th century , are also considered semantically related or related in their origins and for its part in Italian ramassare "collect, pile up" or in northern Italian ( Piedmontese ) ramadán, rabadán "noise, hustle and bustle", which mediated via Occitan ramadan is traced back to the Arabic name of the Islamic month of fasting Ramadan and in the shift in meaning to "noise, Hustle and bustle ”is explained with the family celebrations and celebrations that take place during the fasting period and at the end of the Lent period .

Since the Arabic name of Ramadan in the Maghreb dialect form ramdam was borrowed from French colonial soldiers in the Maghreb during the 1890s in the Maghreb with the meaning "noise, noise" and ramdam since then with idioms like faire du ramdam (roughly: "make remmidemmi “) Is also widespread in the Argot and the French colloquial language, a borrowing of Remmidemmi from French ramdam was sometimes considered.

The Bavarian expression Rama dama is also associated with Remmidemmi ! "Let's clear up!", "Let's clean up!", Which the Mayor of Munich Thomas Wimmer made the popular motto of the reconstruction during the rubble clearing campaigns of 1949. In the form of Ramadama , it is still the name of an annual campaign to collect waste in Munich's natural areas (see Munich waste management company ).

The origin of the word Remmidemmi was put out to tender in 1987 by the Society for German Language .


In the 1980s there were also potpourri records with the title “Remmidemmi” or “Ramba Zamba” with additions. The song " Remmidemmi (Yippie Yippie Yeah) " by the Hamburg hip-hop formation Deichkind took 68th place in the German single charts in 2006 and stayed in the Top 100 for a total of 15 weeks.

Web links

Wiktionary: Remmidemmi  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Heinz Küpper, Pons - dictionary of German colloquial language , Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1987, p. 663 sv "Remmidemmi"
  2. Duden Online , sv "Rambazamba"
  3. Heinz Küpper: Illustrated dictionary of German colloquial language. Volume 6. Klett, Stuttgart 1984, pp. 2265, 2306
  4. a b c d Wilhelm Kluge: Etymological dictionary of the German language. 24th edition, edited by Elmar Seebold. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2002, p. 757 sv “Remmidemmi”.
  5. See Jan ten Doornkaat Koolman: Dictionary of the East Frisian language. Volume 3. Hermann Braams, 1884, p. 10 sv “ramenten”.
  6. a b c Hans Gehl: Dictionary of Danube Swabian ways of life (= series of publications by the Institute for Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies. Vol. 14). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2005, column 804f. sv "Ramasuri".
  7. ^ Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke: Romance Etymological Dictionary. 3. Edition. Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1935, p. 581.
  8. ^ Reinhard Kiesler: Language contacts: Arabic and Galloromania. In: Gerhard Ernst u. a. (Ed.): Romance language history (= handbooks for linguistics and communication studies. Vol. 23). Volume 2. De Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2006, pp. 1648-1654, here pp. 1651 f.
  9. Volker Noll: The foreign language elements in französisöchen Argot (= Heidelberger contributions to the Romance languages. Vol. 25). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 1991, pp. 80, 98. Ramdam et al. Has entered the literary argument . a. at Raymond Queneau , Les oeuvres complètes de Sally Mara , Gallimard, Paris 1962, p 150: "le jour où vous avez fait tout ce ramdam"; Samuel Beckett's word was translated from French into English in his radio play All that fall (1956): "I am sorry for all this ramdam", Collected shorter plays , Grover Press, New York 1984, p. 25.
  10. ^ Letter from the reader by Nelly Rode (Essen), quoted in Der Sprachdienst 31 (1987), p. 159.
  11. Küpper, Pons - dictionary of German colloquial language , followed by Gehl, dictionary of Danube Swabian ways of life , citing them in the spelling Ramma damma and meaning “We do ramming”, which means “in Munich the noise of the pavers with their rammers” (P. 663)
  12. ^ Richard Bauer : Ruins Years: Pictures from the Destroyed Munich, 1945-1949. Hugendubel, Munich 1983, p. 43.
  13. Der Sprachdienst 31 (1987), p. 31f.