Chain complex

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A (co) chain complex in mathematics is a sequence of Abelian groups or modules or - even more generally - objects in an Abelian category , which are linked in a chain-like manner by illustrations .


Chain complex

A chain complex consists of a sequence

of modules (Abelian groups, objects of an Abelian category A ) and a sequence

of module homomorphisms (group homomorphisms, morphisms in A ), so that

holds for all n . The operator is called the boundary operator . Elements of hot n-chains . Elements of


are called n-cycles or n-boundaries . Because of the condition , each edge is a cycle. The quotient

is called the n th homology group (homology object) of , its elements are called homology classes . Cycles that are in the same homology class are called homologous .

Coquette complex

A coquette complex consists of a sequence

of modules (Abelian groups, objects of an Abelian category A ) and a sequence

of module homomorphisms (group homomorphisms, morphisms in A ) so that

holds for all n . Elements of hot n-coquettes . Elements of


are called n-coccycles or n-corands . Because of the condition , every Korand is a cocycle. The quotient

is called the n th cohomology group (cohomology object) of , its elements cohomology classes . Coccycles that are in the same cohomology class are called cohomologous .

Double complex

A double complex

A double-complex     in the abelian category A is essentially a chain complex in the abelian category of chain complexes in A . Somewhat more precisely consists     of objects

along with morphisms


which meet the following three conditions:

The total complex of     the double     complex is given by the chain complex

with the following border illustration: for     with     is

Double complexes are needed, among other things, in order to prove that the value of is independent of whether one M dissolves or N .


  • A chain complex is exactly at the point if is, correspondingly for coquette complexes. The (co) homology thus measures how much a (co) chain complex deviates from the exactness.
  • A chain complex is called acyclic if all of its homology groups disappear, i.e. if it is exact.

Chain homomorphism

One function

is called (Ko) -chain homomorphism , or simply chain mapping , if it consists of a sequence of group homomorphisms , which is exchanged with the boundary operator . That means for the chain homomorphism:


The same applies to the coquette homomorphism


This condition ensures that cycle maps to cycle and edges to edges.

Chain complexes together with the chain homomorphisms form the category Ch (MOD R) of the chain complexes.

Euler characteristic

It is a coquette complex of modules over a ring . If only finitely many cohomology groups are nontrivial, and if these are finite-dimensional, then the Euler characteristic of the complex is defined as the integer

If the individual components are also finite-dimensional and only finitely many of them are nontrivial, so is

In the special case of a complex with only two nontrivial entries, this statement is the ranking .

In a somewhat more general way, a chain complex is called perfect if only finitely many components are nontrivial and each component is a finitely generated projective module . The dimension is then to be replaced by the associated equivalence class in the K 0 group of and it is defined as the Euler characteristic

If every projective module is free , for example if there is a body or a main ideal ring , then one can speak of dimensions and receive with . Then this more general definition coincides with the one given first.


If one sets the indices so that it is in degree 0 and in degree 1, then is
The Euler characteristic
of is in the theory of Fredholm operators of Fredholm index of called. This denotes the coke core of .


Individual evidence

  1. P. 7–8 in Charles A. Weibel : An introduction to homological algebra (=  Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics . Volume 38 ). Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-521-43500-5 .
  2. Section 2.7 in Charles A. Weibel : An introduction to homological algebra (=  Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics . Volume 38 ). Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-521-43500-5 .
  3. J. Cuntz, R. Meyer, J. Rosenberg: Topological and Bivariant K-Theory , Birkhäuser Verlag (2007), ISBN 3-764-38398-4 , definition 1.31