Council of the Carinthian Slovenes

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The Council of Carinthian Slovenians ( Slovenian Narodni svet koroških Slovencev , abbreviation NSKS ) is an association representing the interests of the Carinthian Slovenes .

The Council of Carinthian Slovenes came into being in 1949 around the Hermagoras Brotherhood . He is close to the Catholic Church, while the Central Association of Slovene Organizations in Carinthia was formed in 1955 in the context of the KPÖ and the SPÖ . In 2003 the community of Carinthian Slovenes split off from the Council and sees itself as non-partisan. Due to a budget cut, the council faced dissolution in 2010.

The council works with the central association in a coordination committee and together they publish the Slovenian weekly newspaper Novice .

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supporting documents

  1. ^ Timeline of the national minority issue in Carinthia. In: Carinthian State Parliament , accessed on September 11, 2018 .
  2. ^ A b Slovenian organizations in Carinthia - In: Retrieved September 11, 2018 .
  3. ^ Council of the Carinthian Slovenes is not dissolved - In: OÖN , accessed on September 11, 2018 .
  4. ^ Enotna Lista - Unit List - Dossier. In: Retrieved September 11, 2018 .