Raul Lange

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Raul Lange (born in the 19th century; died after 1932 ) was a German theater actor from the circle of Max Reinhardt .


In the post-war period he was engaged at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin and worked in the Max Reinhardt production of Jaákob's dream from 1919 to 1923 . There he also played in Aeschylus' Gefesseltem Prometheus in 1924 and Flammberg in the Eugen Klöpfer production of Käthchen von Heilbronn in 1925 . In the Kammerspiele he was cast in Carl Rössler's comedy The Pathetic Hat in 1919 .

"Raul Lange (Pontius Pilatus) was Roman-heroic, heroic-beautiful and strange," Joseph Roth describes in 1921 the role creation of Lange in the Passion of Arnoul Greban at the Great Theater in Berlin. In the same theater he appeared in 1926 - alongside Marlene Dietrich and Claire Waldoff - as a magician in Erik Charell's revue operetta The Creation Story .

In 1922 an appearance in a Clavigo performance - at the side of Helene and Hermann Thimig - in the Vienna Hofburg is guaranteed, in 1928 he played in a Fritz Holl production of Orpheus in der Unterwelt at the Berlin Theater on Bülowplatz .

Max Reinhardt undertook the actor for his Everyman - staged at the Salzburg Festival : From 1920 to 1937 Long seen there in various roles, first as a voice of the Lord, as Mammon, finally, than death, on August 28, 1932 He was also allowed to mime Everyman and with this performance he holds the record for the shortest ever appearing Everyman.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl von Ossietzky: Carl Rößler's "Pathetischer Hut" , Berliner Volks-Zeitung, February 3, 1921 (accessed on June 7, 2020)
  2. ^ Joseph Roth: Die Passion , Neue Berliner Zeitung - 12 o'clock sheet, February 7, 1921 (accessed on September 1, 2013)