Raw converter

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A raw converter is a program that receives image files recorded by a digital camera in a raw data format and converts the images into an image file format that is suitable for further processing with image processing programs and for the distribution of the images. The most common output format is JPEG , but most raw converters allow you to choose from several formats.

The raw data of the image indicate how much light each pixel of the image sensor registered. In addition, it is given (explicitly or implicitly) which color (or colors) the respective pixel is sensitive to. The raw converter has to demosaic the image, i.e. it has to calculate three color values ​​(red, green and blue) for each pixel by interpolating the corresponding color values ​​of the surrounding pixels .

A raw converter is usually a fully developed image processing program itself and allows extensive processing : correction of lens errors , changing brightness and contrast, rotating the image and trimming, color correction, sharpening and noise reduction . Some also enable the correction of converging lines or simple retouching such as removing spots caused by dust particles on the image sensor or editing the metadata .

The raw data formats in which the images are input to the raw converter are usually proprietary ; H. Developed by a certain camera manufacturer exclusively for their own cameras. Often the formats are not disclosed at all, so that it is more difficult for programmers who do not work with this manufacturer to adapt their raw converter to them. One exception is the digital negative format (DNG) , which, however, has so far only been supported by a few camera manufacturers.