Rawer (I.)

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Rawer (often Rawer I to distinguish him from other officials of the same name) was a high ancient Egyptian official in the 5th Dynasty ( Old Kingdom ). Rawer held various high titles, including above all " writer of the king's documents" or "writer of the king's documents in his presence", besides which he was among other things also "known to the king". Not much is known of his own family. Certainly only one son by the name of Seschemnefer is attested, who had a burial in the mastaba of Rawer. Rawer is perhaps represented in the grave of Seschemnefer (III.), There appears a "scribe of the king's documents", Rawer, who according to the inscriptions was his brother.

Rawer is best known for his mastaba (G 5270) in the necropolis of Giza . It is a large, massive building with two grave shafts and a cult chapel on the east side. The chapel was once decorated with reliefs, but when the tomb was found only a few remained that adorned the entrance. The base of a statue of Rawer was also found in the tomb.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Junker: Giza III, The mastabas of the advanced 5th dynasty on the Westfriedhof . Vienna 1938, p. 222 online
  2. Junker: Giza III , p. 223
  3. Junker: Giza III , p. 207
  4. Junker: Giza III , pp. 219–222
  5. Junker: Giza III , p. 221, Figure 43, plate 14d