Reduced ring

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A reduced ring is a ring that contains no other nilpotent elements apart from the zero element . (Nilpotent elements produce zero when raised to the power.) Reduced rings play a role in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry , which are sub-areas of mathematics. A reduced scheme is a scheme whose stems are reduced.

This article is about commutative algebra. In particular, all rings under consideration are commutative and have a one element. Ring homomorphisms map single elements onto single elements. For more details, see Commutative Algebra .


Reduced ring

If there is a ring, then it is a reduced ring, if for all

This is equivalent to:

  • The following applies to all :

Reduced ideal

An ideal of a ring is a reduced ideal if:

Reduced scheme

A scheme is reduced if, for any open set, the ring does not contain any nilpotent elements. This is equivalent to the fact that for all the local rings (stalks):

are reduced.


  • If noetherian then applies:
is reduced is equivalent to the fact that in the primary decomposition of its zero ideal only prime ideals appear as primary components (the minimal prime ideals).
A ring is reduced precisely when it is reduced for all maximum ideals.


  • and all polynomial rings over bodies are reduced.
  • The ring is reduced.
  • Every ring free of zero divisors is reduced.
  • contains the nilpotent element , so it is not reduced.
  • The ring is not reduced, it contains the nilpotent element .
  • A schema is of integrity if and only if it is irreducible and reduced.
