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Rehob was a biblical person mentioned in 2 Samuel as the father of Hadad-Eser , king of Zoba .


The personal name רְחֹב rəḥov , German 'Rehob' ( 2 Sam 8,3  BHS and 2 Sam 8,12  BHS ) is a one-word name. Hans Rechenmacher thinks that the name is a short form of a verbal sentence name from the rootרחב rḥv , German for ' to be far' (in which a theophore element has failed). The vocalization of the name is incorrect and the name has to be translated as "(God) has made far".

The Septuagint gives the name as Ρααβ Raab , the Vulgate as Roob .

Mentions in the Bible

In 2 Sam 8,3  EU and 2 Sam 8,12  EU Rehob is mentioned in connection with his son Hadad-Eser, whom King David struck on the Euphrates . In verse 12, Hadad-eser is listed among those whom King David subjected. It is important not to confuse Rehob with the place name Rehob, which is also used in the Bible. However, it may be that Rehob is also a place name here in the Book of Samuel and the expression ben-rehob simply means that Hadad-Eser is a Rehobite.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ * Hans Rechenmacher: Old Hebrew personal names , Münster 2012, p. 151.
  2. ^ A. Rahlfs, R. Hanhart (eds.): Septuaginta, German Bible Society, Stuttgart 2006.
  3. R. Weber, R. Gryson (ed.): Biblia Sacra Vulgate. Editio Quinta, German Bible Society, Stuttgart 2007.
  4. Herion, Gary A .:  Rehob (person) . In: Anchor Bible Dictionary (ABD). Volume 5, Doubleday, New York / London 1992, ISBN 0-385-19363-7 , p. 660.