Reichenau glosses

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The Reichenau glosses are glosses or glossaries that were created in northwestern France (possibly Corbie Benedictine Abbey ) at the end of the 8th century , which list translations from classical Latin into the vulgar Latin or Old French used at the time and thus provide important links in language development :

forum → mercatum 'market' (French: marché )
isset → ambulasset 'he went' (cf.Ital. '' he went in the passageway ', Romanian. blow around' he was strolling ')
liberos → infantes 'children' (French enfants )
pulchra → bella 'beautiful' (French beau m., belle f.)
id → hoc, 'this' (French ou i)

They are handed down in the glossy manuscript Cod. Augiensis CCXLVIII of the Badische Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe .


  • Klein, Hans-Wilhelm (Ed.): The Reichenauer glosses . Part I + II in two volumes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Wilhelm Klein: "Latin and Romance in the Reichenau glosses". In: NGH , No. 34, 1965. P. 186.