Reich Group Insurance

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The Reich Insurance Group was an economic organization at the time of National Socialism . It was subordinate to the Reich Chamber of Commerce.

On November 27, 1934, the German economy was divided into six Reichsgruppen, to which the Reichsgruppe Insurance belonged.

The first director was Eduard Hilgard , who in this capacity was called in to the meeting with Goering on November 12, 1938, when it came to the confiscation of insurance funds for the damage caused to the Jews during the Reichskristallnacht .

The Reichsgruppe was subdivided into the two economic groups, private insurance and insurance under public law. The further subdivision took place in specialist groups according to the existing insurance branches.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Document 1816-PS in: IMT: The Nuremberg Trial against the Major War Criminals. Reprint Munich 1989, ISBN 3-7735-2522-2 , Volume XXVIII, pp. 499-540 / also reprinted as document VEJ 2/146.