Maturity mark

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Signs of maturity are clinical features of a newborn that the pediatrician can use to determine the age of maturity of a newborn if there is uncertainty about the actual length of pregnancy. The following characteristics

  • Hair status : Lanugo hair formation, physiologically low with free areas
  • Skin status : rosy skin, no cyanosis
  • Auricles : physiological condition
  • Testicular status : physiologically, at least one testicle has descended
  • Fingernails : physiologically, the fingernails protrude beyond the fingertips
  • Labia status : physiologically, the large labia cover the small labia
  • Mammary gland status : diameter about 10 mm, mammary glands clearly visible
  • Spontaneous posture: extremities bent, physiological muscle hypertension
  • Head hair: physiologically strong, silky

are summarized in different scores , so that a very precise determination of maturity is possible. A clinically established scoring system is the Petrussa index .