Reinald Rickert

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Reinald Rickert OSB (born February 2, 1955 in Bad Godesberg , North Rhine-Westphalia ) is a nationally known Benedictine monk and master animal husbandry (specialist in cattle husbandry) of the Königsmünster Abbey in Meschede , who through his views on the ethics of food, in particular on meat consumption and the Christian faith, and became known as an author.


Rickert studied from 1976 theology and received the Catholic priesthood . In 1981 he came to Meschede and since 1985 he has been master animal husbandry at Königsmünster Abbey. The nickname turkey Father stemmed from its commitment to high quality estimated annual turkey farm the Abbey Königsmünster as well as his provocative and frank words for meat consumption. Rickert sees himself in contrast to a vegan way of life and turns against what he calls the humanization of animals . He cites numerous quotations from the Bible :

  • 1. Genesis 9.3: "Everything that lives, will be food."
  • Acts of Luke Acts 10:13 “all kinds of four-footed and creeping animals of the earth and birds of the sky. And a voice came to him: Get up, Peter, kill and eat! "
  • Paul in 1 Cor 10:25: "Everything that is sold in the meat market, that eats, and do not inquire, so that you do not weigh down your conscience."
  • Paul (Romans 14: 2-3 :) "But he who is weak does not eat meat."

Father Reinald Rickert OSB has been a full-time pastor in the pastoral area of ​​Meschede-Bestwig since November 1st, 2010.

Well-known aphorisms

  • Jesus wasn't a vegetarian
  • Animals have no intellectual difficulty in dying
  • We live at the expense of the other
  • An animal escapes the deep fear that attacks humans when they see their finitude
  • Should the cows go to the old people's home later?
  • For many of our customers, a piece of sausage or meat from the monastery has a greater religious appeal than a boring sermon
  • From the stable to the fork


  • Refreshments. A monk tells . Four Towers, 2000, ISBN 3878684142
  • Valuables . Book and art shop of Königsmünster Abbey, 2002
  • Together with Anselm Grün : pebbles. Benedictine everyday life . Four Towers, 1988
  • Survival 2005 . Book and art shop of Königsmünster Abbey, 2005

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