Relative volatility
The dimensionless relative volatility describes the ratio of the volatilities of the components in a binary mixture .
For two-substance mixtures, the relative volatility α is defined as:
with the K-factor
- y: mole fraction of a component in the steam
- x: mole fraction of a component in the liquid .
Therefore the relative volatility can also be written as:
The relative volatility is an important parameter in the separation of substances :
- high relative volatilities permit easy separation of substances by distillation or rectification
- a relative volatility of 1 describes an azeotrope which is caused by the two o. g. Procedure can no longer be separated.
The mixture of chloroform and ethanol shows a pronounced azeotrope at approx. 84 mol percent chloroform and p = 101.325 kPa;
- if the vapor-liquid equilibrium is at a minimum,
- cross the K-factors (K 1 = K 2 )
- the relative volatility α = 1.
It can be seen that the K-factors and the relative volatility are derived from the vapor-liquid equilibrium.