Remontoir watch

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A remontoir watch is a pocket watch with a crown winding mechanism.

The first remontoir watch was designed by Jean-Adrien Philippe in Geneva in 1842 . Two years later, Philippe received a gold medal at the Paris World Exhibition for this innovation, which made a key and opening the case to wind the watch unnecessary . A remontoir watch is to be distinguished from a watch with remontoir d'egalite .

A remontoir clock is mentioned in Theodor Fontane's novel Irrungen Wirrungen . Even Joseph Roth uses the term yet.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Watches: A Handbook for Collectors and Lovers", Ernst von Bassermann-Jordan, Hans von Bertele. Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1969 page 386 ( googlebooks )
  2. ^ Philippe, Jean-Adrien. Uhrenwiki, accessed December 4, 2012 .
  3. Joseph Roth: The tyranny of the hour , in: Roth, Joseph - Das Journalistische Werk - first volume. Retrieved December 4, 2012 .