René Ménil

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René Ménil (left) with author Jonas Rano

René Ménil (* 1907 in Gros-Morne , Martinique ; † August 29, 2004 in Sainte-Luce , Martinique) was a French philosopher influenced by surrealism . With Thélus Léro and Etienne Léro he founded the magazine Légitime défense and wrote various essays for the Revue Tropiques with his friend Aimé Césaire . With his works Antilles déjà jadis and Tracées , he made a significant contribution to post-colonial studies.

He taught philosophy at the Lycée Victor Schœlcher in Fort-de-France .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ For René Ménil, Caribbean Surrealist Philosopher. Retrieved June 15, 2016 .