René Walter

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René Walter (born April 16, 1910 in Troyes , † January 5, 1960 in Auxerre ) was a French politician. From 1958 to 1960 he was a member of the National Assembly .

Early life

Walter graduated from high school in Troyes and then moved to Dijon to study law there, where he also received his doctorate. He chose a career as a lawyer, which he began in Auxerre. After the outbreak of the Second World War , he was drafted in 1939 and captured by the Wehrmacht in June 1940 . He was imprisoned for five years before he could return home. Some time after his return, he was elected President of the Union of Former Soldiers in the Yonne department . His high reputation helped him to the office of bâtonnier of the Auxerre Bar Association, which he was allowed to exercise from 1945 to 1947 and again from 1951 to 1953.

Political career

His political commitment began when he joined the Gaullist Rassemblement du peuple français in 1947. For this he was regional editor-in-chief of the party newspaper and was also able to recruit numerous war veterans as party members. In 1948, just one year after joining the party, he ran for elections to the Council of the Republic , which at the time formed the Senate . However, his candidacy failed. In 1949, however, he succeeded in entering the General Council of the Yonne department. In the parliamentary elections in 1951 Walter also ran, but failed as second in the list in the Yonne department because the RPF could only win one mandate. In the course of the establishment of the Fifth Republic in 1958 by Charles de Gaulle, he campaigned for the adoption of the constitution through a referendum in September of that year. In the parliamentary elections in November 1958, he ran for the new Gaullist party UNR in the first constituency of the Yonne department and was elected member of parliament with 50.6 percent of the vote in the second round. He carried out his mandate until he died of heart failure on the night of January 4-5, 1960. His deputy André Laffin inherited him as a member of parliament.

Individual evidence

  1. Base de données historique des anciens députés ,