Renaud Barbaras

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Renaud Barbaras (* 1955 in Paris ) is a contemporary French phenomenologist . He currently (2012) holds the chair and professorship for contemporary philosophy at the Sorbonne ( Université Paris I ).


He was influenced by Husserl , Heidegger , Michel Henry and above all Merleau-Ponty . Most recently he has been working with another phenomenologist, the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka , from whom he has repeatedly found new impulses for the further development of his phenomenology of life (cf. Introduction à une phenoménologie de la vie ).

Primary literature

In the absence of German translations of his works, there are only references to the French works and English translations.

Selected Works

  • De l'être du phenomène. Sur l'ontologie de Merleau-Ponty . Grenoble, J. Millon, "Krisis", 1991.
english translation by Ted Toadvine and Leonard Lawlor: The Being of the Phenomenon: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology . Indiana University Press, 2004.
  • La Perception. Essai sur le sensible . Paris, Hatier, “Optiques, Philosophy”, 1994. Rééd. Paris, Vrin, 2009.
  • Merleau-Ponty . Paris, Ellipses, “Philo-Philosophes”, 1997.
  • Le tournant de l'expérience. Research on the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty . Paris, Vrin, "Histoire de la philosophie", 1998.
  • Le désir et la distance. Introduction to a phenomenology of perception . Paris, Vrin, “Problèmes et controverses”, 1999.
english translation by Paul B. Milan: Desire and Distance: Introduction to a Phenomenology of Perception . Stanford University Press, 2005.
  • Vie et intentionnalité. Recherches phenomenologiques . Paris, Vrin, 2003.
  • Introduction à la philosophy de Husserl . Editions de la Transparnce, 2004.
  • Le mouvement de l'existence. Études sur la phenoménologie de Jan Patočka . Editions de la Transparence, 2007.
  • Introduction à une phenomenology de la vie . Paris, Vrin, 2008.
  • L'ouverture du monde: Lecture de Jan Patočka . Editions de la Transparence, August 25, 2011
  • La vie lacunaire . Paris, Vrin, September 19, 2011

Articles that have been translated into English

Secondary literature

Web links