László Tengelyi

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László Tengelyi (born July 11, 1954 in Budapest , † July 19, 2014 ) was a Hungarian philosopher and university professor . Since 2001 he has been Professor of Philosophy at the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal .


Tengelyi studied philosophy, classical philology and history at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. In 1986 he received his doctorate with a doctoral thesis on the subject of Kant on the foundation of ethics . In 1995 the habilitation followed; The subject of the habilitation thesis was guilt as a fateful event. The evil in Kant and in post-Kantian philosophy . He completed studies in Leuven (as a Soros scholarship holder ), Wuppertal and Bochum (with an Alexander von Humboldt scholarship ), Paris (with the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ), Vienna and Washington, DC .

Tengelyi worked for a long time as a lecturer and professor at the Loránd Eötvös University. He took over the chair for phenomenology and theoretical philosophy in Wuppertal in 2001. He was visiting professor from 1998 to 2000 at the University of Poitiers and in 2003 at the University of Nice . From 2003 to 2005 he was President of the German Society for Phenomenological Research , and afterwards he also sat on its Scientific Advisory Board. He also provided academic support for the journals Husserl Studies and Annales de phenoménologie .

In January 2011, Tengelyi in Germany drew attention to the fact that Hungarian philosophers such as Ágnes Heller , Mihály Vajda and Sándor Radnóti were exposed to a media campaign close to the government after criticizing the new Hungarian media law (→ Nemzeti Média-és Hírközlési Hatóság ) Magyar Nemzet had triggered investigations against the well-known philosophers through continued reporting that was viewed as anti-Semitic and anti-intellectual. They were accused of corruption because they had received state project funding.



  • A bűn mint sorsesemény (edited by Magdolna Kolta), Atlantisz Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1992 ( Kísértések ), ISBN 9637978151 (Hungarian)
  • Kant. Második, javított és bóvített kiadás. 2nd Edition. Áron, Budapest 1995 (Hungarian).
  • Élettörténet és sorsesemény (edited by Tamás Miklós), Atlantisz Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1998 ( Kísértések ), ISBN 9639165077 (Hungarian)
  • The hybrid term life story . Fink, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7705-3248-1 ( transitions , volume 33; translated into English as The wild region in life-history . Evanston, Ill. 2004).
  • Tapasztalat és kifejezés (edited by Tamás Miklós), Atlantisz Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2007 ( Kísértések ), ISBN 9789639165984 (Hungarian)
  • Experience and expression. Phenomenology in upheaval in Husserl and his successors . Springer, Dordrecht 2007, ISBN 978-1-4020-5433-4 ( Phaenomenologica , Volume 180).
  • New phenomenology in France . Suhrkamp, ​​2012, ISBN 978-3-518-29574-8 .
  • World and Infinity: On the Problem of Phenomenological Metaphysics . Karl Alber, Freiburg, 2014, ISBN 978-3-495-48661-0 .
  • Őstények és világvázlatok (afterword by Tamás Miklós), Atlantisz Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2007 ( Kísértések ), ISBN 9789639777422 (Hungarian)


  • Experience and Reality (Hungarian), JK Nyíri (ed.), Filozófia az ezredfordulón, Áron Publishing House, Budapest 2000, pp. 215–226.
  • Responsive action and law that creates order. In: M. Fischer, H.-D. Gondek, B. Liebsch (Ed.), Reason in the Sign of the Foreign, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2001, pp. 278–303.
  • L'esprit selon Kant, Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 85 (2001), pp. 11-22.
  • L'expérience et son expression catégoriale. In: Studia Universitatis Babeş – Bólyai, Philosophia, XLIV, 1–2 (1999), Cluj 2001.
  • Experience and expression. In: W. Hogrebe (ed.), Philosophia Hungarica, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2001, pp. 219–228.
  • Experience, act, tell. In: J. Trinks (Ed.), Possibilities and Limits of Narration, Turia + Kant Verlag, Vienna 2002, pp. 97–112.
  • Historical experience (Hungarian), Világosság, 5–6 / 2002.
  • L'expérience et la réalité. L'idéalisme transcendantal de la phenoménologie husserlienne, Annales de phenoménologie 2 (2003), 13-24.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Florence Bruyère: Hongrie: Orbán cible les philosophes. Une campagne antisémite relayée par les médias proches du pouvoir attaque cinq intellectuels . In: Liberation.fr. January 21, 2011, accessed January 26, 2011.