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In mathematics and theoretical physics , the resolvent (sometimes called Greenscher's operator ) is the inverse of a linear operator or a matrix that is shifted with a complex number . The set of values for which this inverse is well defined is the operator's resolvent set ; the complement of this set is its spectrum . Applications concern all aspects of operator theory in functional analysis , especially perturbation calculation .


For a linear operator (or a matrix ), the resolvent set is defined as the complement of the spectrum of , i. H. as the set of all complex numbers for which the operator is restrictedly invertible. The resolvent set is open as the complement of the spectrum . The resolvent is defined on the resolvent set

Many authors use the definition of the resolvent , which only inverts the sign .

Properties and uses

The resolvent is an operator-valued analytical function and can be represented by Neumann's series , where the spectral radius is :


The resolvent will u. a. used to describe eigenvalue expansions of perturbed operators, for example the expansions of Rellich - Kato and Strutt - Schrödinger .

Resolvent Identities

The first and second resolvent identities are useful for calculations. The first resolvent identity follows from inversion

and the second resolvent identity follows by means of inversion
