Restitution stone

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Restitution stone on the grave of Oskar von Knobloch , Therese von Knobloch and Kurt von Knobloch in the Invalidenfriedhof , Berlin

A restitution stone (from restitution = restoration) is a grave or memorial stone that is used in the restoration of historical cemeteries . It is placed in places in the cemetery for which a historical grave has been proven. There he replaces the original, lost tombstone.

Restitution stones are usually simply designed and consist of a simple stone block with a beveled upper edge. The names of those buried and their dates of life are carved into the surface, and stylized representations of well-known orders such as the Iron Cross or the Pour le Mérite are also found on the graves of militarily significant persons . Sometimes the original inscription - if it is still known - is repeated in its wording, so that more detailed information about the life of the buried or even proverbs, biblical quotations, etc. can appear.