Reunion (computer game)

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Reunion (also Merit's Galactic Reunion ) is a 2D strategy game that combines strategy with science fiction elements.

The game, which features different game principles such as B. economic simulation , strategy, adventure and space flight simulation combined, was paid little attention by game magazines. It has a nicely designed but clumsy GUI that the player uses to coordinate their actions.


In the not too distant future, after the discovery of two earth-like planets, humanity living in peace sent two colonization ships into space. One of the spaceships is mysteriously lost, the other got caught in an asteroid field and was badly damaged - the crew fled to their target planet without being equipped with the technology they had brought with them to call for help. The humans established a new civilization on New Earth , while the meanwhile hostile old earth was devastated by numerous wars in the meantime.

Action / gameplay

The actual game begins in 2927. At the beginning you only have the colony on New Earth. Consultants must first be employed to build buildings, research technology, explore space, and wage war. The planet is built on in a similar way to SimCity . So z. B. new housing, oil rigs, mines and power plants are built. The people pay taxes with which the player finances his actions.

Exploration of space is done through an observatory and satellites. If planets with a real environment are discovered, they can also be colonized and cultivated, which brings the player additional taxes and raw materials. The money goes mainly into training consultants and building new buildings, as well as constructing spaceships. The raw materials are needed for the latter, but not all of the required resources can be extracted on New Earth, which makes mines necessary on other planets.

The first extraterrestrial race that the new humanity encountered is the Janosian people, who live on the tropical planet Jade . They are threatened by the warlike Morgul people and ask for help, in return for which they receive blueprints for simple space fighters. However, after the Janosians are destroyed by the Morgul, humanity becomes their new target. To end the Morgul threat once and for all, their home planet in another solar system must be attacked with a space fleet and then defeated with ground forces.

Mankind is now looking for the old earth, whose fate is still uncertain.


Reunion 2 , announced at the end of the game for 1995 , was no longer published directly under this title, but two years later Imperium Galactica was presented as the successor game , which is still based on Reunion in some key points, but with a newly revised plot and control and play styles. The basic principle (colonizing planets, fighting battles, taking power over the universe, etc.) was retained. Other titles followed, but under different labels and sometimes different titles, but always from the same developers and the game Reunion as the original source.

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