Rhine bridge in Feuerthalen

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Coordinates: 47 ° 41 ′ 41 "  N , 8 ° 38 ′ 37"  E ; CH1903:  690 457  /  283373

Rhine bridge in Feuerthalen
Rhine bridge in Feuerthalen
use Railway bridge
Convicted Sea line
Crossing of Rhine
place Feuerthalen , Schaffhausen
construction Truss bridge
overall length 262 m
start of building 1894
opening April 2, 1895
Feuerthalen Rhine Bridge (Canton Schaffhausen)
Rhine bridge in Feuerthalen

The Rheinbrücke Feuerthalen is a single-track Swiss railway bridge on the lake line . The structure from 1895 spans the Rhine between Feuerthalen and Schaffhausen at 44.310 kilometers.


The construction of the railway line between Etzwilen and Feuerthalen was decided in 1870, the opening by the Schweizerische Nordostbahn (NOB) was on November 1st, 1894. The section between Feuerthalen and Schaffhausen station was opened on April 2nd, 1895 after the Emmersberg tunnel and the Rhine bridge had been completed Put into operation.

The 760 meter long Emmersberg Tunnel, north of the Rhine bridge in Schaffhausen, was tackled in 1893. The work on the tunnel was delayed until 1895 due to water ingress and a daybreak. The Rhine bridge was built between 1894 and 1895 under the direction of chief engineer Robert Moser and even then had a continuous gravel trough.

In 1954 the river pillar was renovated and in 1964 the gravel trough was renewed. Between 2003 and 2005, the viaducts were repaired with the installation of a new, 6.6 meter wide gravel trough made of reinforced concrete . The cost was 4.7 million francs.


Power bridge

The 262 meter long bridge consists of brick arched viaducts on both sides of the Rhine and a steel lattice girder with two openings as a river bridge with a brick central pillar in the Rhine.

The 112 meter long, riveted lattice girder made of welded iron has parallel straps and is 6 meters high. It spans the Rhine with two equally long openings at an oblique angle. The construction was supplied by Bosshard & Cie. from Näfels . The assembly took place with the help of a wooden frame, which was founded on pile yokes in the Rhine. In the event of a later reinforcement, the framework was converted into today's double post framework by adding additional posts.

The hexagonal pillar in the middle of the river is made of natural stone. At the top it has a cross-section with the dimensions 2.4 × 7.4 meters, which increases in a ratio of 1:50 downwards and stands on a 4.3 × 9.0 meter concrete foundation that is 7 meters deep into the river bed involves.

The two masonry viaducts are also made of natural stone, with the vaults and spars inside with rubble stone masonry. The Schaffhausen viaduct, which is 97 meters long and 5.2 meters wide with the abutment of the river bridge, has eight vaulted openings, seven of which have clear widths between 9.0 and 9.6 meters. The vault over Fischerhäuserstrasse spans 13.0 meters. The height of the structure above the site varies between 4 and 17 meters. The Feuerthalen viaduct, including the abutment of the river bridge, is 66 meters long. It has six vault openings with clear widths of 8.4 meters and pillars with widths between 1.86 and 1.40 meters. The height of the structure, which is curved in plan with a radius of 400 meters, varies between 6 and 15 meters above the site.

See also


  • Hans Rudolf Stierli, Erwin Stucki, Paul Wüst: Before the construction of the N4: the Rhine crossings between Stein am Rhein and Eglisau. In: Rhine bridge N4. Edited by the National Road Office of the Canton of Schaffhausen, Meier Verlag Schaffhausen 1995, ISBN 3-85801-112-6 .

Web links

Commons : Rheinbrücke Feuerthalen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence