Rhenish Agricultural Association

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The Rhenish Agricultural Association (RLV) is the professional representation for farmers and their families in the Rhineland (administrative districts of Cologne and Düsseldorf ). It represents the interests of arable farmers , animal owners , dairy cattle and specialty farms . On a voluntary basis, around 95 percent of all agricultural operations in the Rhineland are organized in the RLV, which is around 15,000 members. The association is a regional association, the umbrella association is the German Farmers' Association (DBV).


The Rheinischer Landwirtschafts-Verband eV (RLV) was founded on October 4, 1946 in Bonn. The establishment was largely due to the efforts of Martin Frey, a graduate farmer from Heinsberg, who knew how to gather numerous farmers, especially in the western and southern Rhineland, and was elected the first association president. On October 22nd, 1946, the employers' peasantry of the North Rhine Province , which had been founded in 1945/46, with a heavy weight in the Düsseldorf area - Mettmann under Ernst Schriever, Ratingen, and Friedrich Strasse, Mettmann, joined the merger. The RLV's predecessor organization is the Rhenish Farmers 'Association , which has represented farmers' interests since 1882.

Presidents since 1946:

  • Martin Frey (1946–1970),
  • Emil Solke (1970–1984),
  • Reiner Latten (1984–1999),
  • Klaus Vosseler (1999-2001),
  • Friedhelm Decker (2001-2014)
  • Bernhard Conzen (since 2014)
    Managing Director since 1946: Hans Hünten (1946–1967), Heinrich Frings (1962–1990), Willi Bennerscheidt (1991–2010), Reinhard Pauw (since 2010).


The RLV is divided into local farming communities, district farming communities and the two district farming communities Cologne and Düsseldorf.

At the head of the association are the presidium and the board. Their resolutions are prepared in specialist committees. Numerous plant managers are involved in the specialist committees, who contribute to the formation of will in the association and ensure that its future is shaped. The RLV works closely with all organizations that are committed to it, the farming families and rural areas. Numerous farmers have voluntary responsibility in the RLV.

tasks and goals

The RLV represents the interests of the Rhenish agriculture towards politics, administration and society. He wants to maintain the competitiveness of the companies and ensure optimal economic framework conditions. The RLV advocates the preservation of comprehensive and sustainable agriculture. The three main focuses of the work of the RLV are: Political representation of interests, legal advice and litigation, public relations.

Partner organizations

The partner organizations of the RLV, the so-called RLV family, include:

  • The Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Landjugend Nordrhein (LAG) is the agricultural policy mouthpiece of the rural youth in the Rhineland. The three rural youth associations "Catholic rural youth", "Rhenish rural youth" and "Protestant rural youth" are represented in the LAG.
  • The land formation Rheinland eV offers training and provides community service.
  • The PARTA tax consulting company offers services in the field of tax and accounting to farmers, gardeners and foresters.
  • The publications of the Rheinischer Landwirtschafts-Verlag GmbH are the weekly “LZ Rheinland”, the monthly “Gartenbau profi” and the five times a year “Spargel und Erdbeer Profi” magazine.
  • The Rhenish Cultural Landscape Foundation pursues charitable purposes. It serves to promote nature and landscape protection by maintaining and promoting the uniqueness, diversity and beauty of the rural cultural landscape, its sustainable usability and its biotope and biodiversity in the administrative districts of Cologne and Düsseldorf.
  • The Provinzialverband Rheinischer Obst- und Gemüsebauer eV is the professional interest group for fruit and vegetable producers in the North Rhine region of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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