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Rhodogune (also Rodogune , Greek Rodogyne ) is the name of several Persian women:

  • Rhodogune of Persia (* around 575 BC), wife of Hystaspes, mother of the Persian king Dareios I the Great, see Dareios I. #Family
  • Rhodogune, perhaps a daughter of the Persian king Dareios I.
  • Rodogyne, Rhodogune (* 5th century BC), daughter of the Achaemenid king Xerxes I and the Amestris, see Xerxes I. #Family
  • Rhodogune (wife of Orontes I) (around 420– after 401 BC), daughter of the Persian great king Artaxerxes II and wife of Orontes
  • Rhodogune, a military leader of the Persians
  • Rhodogune (Parthia) (⚭ 138 BC), daughter of the Parthian king Mithradates I, wife of the Seleucid Demetrios II. Nikator
