Directional radio station Tannenhausen

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The site of the former directional radio station Tannenhausen (2020)

The directional radio station Tannenhausen is a former military property in the area of ​​the city of Aurich in East Friesland . The system was part of the ACE-High radio communication system, an early warning system commissioned by NATO , in which a network of interconnected radio relay stations was supposed to guarantee reliable, tap-proof and direct communication within the NATO member states by means of troposcatter technology. The system should continue to function even if shortwave connections were impaired after the use of nuclear weapons .


At the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, in the immediate vicinity of the future radio relay station, the construction of a dummy airfield began , which was to be secured with an anti-aircraft gun. The guns were never assembled, but accommodations were built for the crews. In 1961, the German Armed Forces set up a radio relay station ( ACE High Station Emden ) on the Goldenstein Bridge , which was integrated into NATO's ACE High radio relay system.

The centerpiece of the system were four approximately 20  m high reflectors (parabolic antennas), which ensured communication with the Lammersdorf station in the south and with the station in Kollemorten ( Denmark ) in the north . There was also a technical building, a workshop, the administration wing, garages, two massive dog kennels, the guard building in the entrance area and an approximately 5 × 10 m underground bunker.

The operating phase ended when the station closed in 1996. A year later, the property was transferred to the Federal Property Office . Subsequently, the question of who is responsible for the recultivation of the area in a landscape protection area remained unanswered for a long time due to the expected high demolition costs. Attempts to sell the area failed, probably also because the location in the protected area only permitted a privileged building project, which allowed agricultural use but not residential use. The city of Aurich had also issued a demolition order, as the use of the site was no longer given, which is why the protection of existing buildings has also expired. The federal government finally complied with this ruling in 2001. The buildings were then demolished and the path and plaza reinforcement of the station area completely removed. For reasons of cost, the underground bunker was not removed, but filled with sand below the surface of the earth. The foundations of the parabolic antennas, just sticking out of the ground, remained. They should later be overgrown by nature. A transformer station was also preserved, which supplies the surrounding farms.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Arends, Paul Weßels (local chronicle of the East Frisian landscape ): Tannenhausen, city of Aurich, district of Aurich (PDF; 50 kB), accessed on August 20, 2012.
  2. a b c Ostfriesische Nachrichten of April 3, 2001, p. 3: "Mickey Mouse ears" in Tannenhausen are now being razed to the ground , here quoted from: Hamburg University of Fine Arts , viewed on August 20, 2012.

Coordinates: 53 ° 30 ′ 32.6 "  N , 7 ° 26 ′ 33.8"  E